Events to Commemorate: 05.20.2022 • TornadoGather as a community to grieve the losses Gaylord experienced, celebrate the triumphs we have experienced this past year and continue to heal collectively
Hosted by the Gaylord Long Term Recovery Group in partnership
with the Otsego Community Foundation

Since August of 2022 the mission of the Gaylord Long Term Recovery Group (GLTRG) has been to collectively provide support and services to individuals and families affected by the May 20, 2022 tornado. Our assistance has been offered using best practices that demonstrate transparency, accountability, and responsible stewardship of dollars from generous donations.
One Year Anniversary:
As we round the corner to the one-year anniversary the GLTRG invites you to be gentle with yourself and your neighbors. Acknowledging these commemorating events may be difficult for many survivors, triggering negative thoughts and unpleasant feelings from 05.20.2022. We are hopeful the activities planned will help Gaylord heal and invite community members to gather for fellowship, while extending compassion to those impacted by the tornado. Our wish is that during these gatherings survivors feel nurtured and have ample opportunity to continue their recovery journey surrounded by the loving-kindness of Otsego County residents and beyond. Thank you to all those individuals, donors, businesses, churches, nonprofits, volunteers, and government agencies that have walked beside our dear alpine village this past year, we are deeply grateful.
Grief, Grace, Growth • One Year Post Tornado
It is important to the Gaylord Long Term Recovery Group to hold space to support a variety of events to foster the community’s healing as we honor this devastating day that impacted our Alpine Village one year ago.
Council of Michigan Foundations 50th Anniversary • Regional Event Series
May 18 • 10:30 a.m.:
We’ll talk with community leaders and national partners from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy about crisis response and recovery and what it takes for a community to be resilient through tragedy. We’ll also honor the nonprofit leaders, first responders, and business partners who came together to support their neighbors and who are continuing to advance efforts for a thriving community.
Attendees will come away with new insights on the structures, supports, and partnerships that can be put in place now to build a stronger, more connected community and actionable strategies for preparing for and managing disaster response efforts – particularly in rural regions.
There will be ample time for Q&A and dedicated open conversation space among attendees to dialogue on what your organization is seeing, share what you need to support your work, and network with peers in the field. More info HERE.
Emergency Preparedness Expo
May 18 • 3:30 p.m.:
The Emergency Preparedness Expo is free to all community members. If you would like to learn about how to be a vendor. You can visit HERE. Community members, read more below.
Huron Pines Russ Mawby Service Project
May 19:
Huron Pines AmeriCorps members, AmeriCorps members from other programs in Northern Michigan, staff from partnering organizations and community volunteers will deploy around the city of Gaylord to plant trees and shrubs in an effort to restore the tree canopy that was destroyed in the May 2022 EF-3 tornado, beautify the community and increase climate resiliency.
Major partners involved in the planning and execution of the day include:
Plantings on Private Property: Gaylord Long Term Recovery Group, Huron Pines, Huron Pines AmeriCorps, Michigan Community Service Commission, Otsego Community Foundation, Otsego Wildlife Legacy Society, and Rotary Club of Gaylord.
Planting of 40 trees on Public Property: City of Gaylord, DTE Energy Foundation, Huron Pines, and ReLeaf Michigan.
For more info call:
Tonya Clayton
Huron Pines Office and Data Manager
Everyone Has a Story: Tragedy & Hope
Gaylord Long Term Recovery Group, in partnership with Matt Soderquist, Director & Producer, hosts a storytelling event to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the 05.20.2022 tornado.
Otsego County Fire Department Pancake Breakfast
May 20• 8 a.m.:
The Otsego Community Foundation is hosting tornado survivors at the Otsego County Fire Department all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. If you are a survivor, request your ticket HERE. Pancakes, sausage, coffee, milk, juice, and camaraderie. Mark your calendars for the best breakfast with OCFD firefighters as we remember the hard work and efforts in response to the Gaylord Tornado.
Share Your Photos
We encourage everyone affected by the tornado to share their photos, which will be displayed during the (Readiness Expo). Sharing your story visually can help heal and demonstrate the progress we have made as a community since this disaster. Your photos remind us how we came together as a community to rebuild and recover. We understand that some of these images are difficult, and we appreciate your willingness to share them with the community. Click the photo above to submit photos.
05.18.2023 Emergency Prepardness Expo
- 3:30 to 5:30 pm: Community members connect with vendors.
- 5:30 pm: Program commemorating 05.20.2022 tornado.