As we wrap up 2020 let’s talk about a few charitable giving opportunities created by the CARES Act that may help you do more for the cause you love most.

Keep these three tools in mind as you map out year-end tax planning: 

  • Even for taxpayers who take the standard deduction, a reduction in adjusted gross income is available for charitable contributions up to $300 per taxpayer. Donations to donor-advised funds don’t count; nonetheless, this deduction is a great way for you to help your favorite organizations. 
  • Individuals who itemize deductions can elect to deduct donations up to 100% of their 2020 adjusted gross income instead of being capped at 60%. For corporations, the CARES Act increased the cap from 10% to 25% of taxable income. (Again, contributions to donor-advised funds and private foundations are not eligible.)
  • For many, the waiver of the Required Minimum Distribution for 2020 could create an economic incentive to redirect tax savings to charitable giving. And of course, nothing has changed about the rules for Qualified Charitable Distributions, which permit both itemizers and non-itemizers to direct up to $100,000 from an IRA to qualifying charities without triggering a taxable event. 

We always encourage you to discuss your plans with your accountant as they have the best understanding of your personal circumstances.  If you have questions about giving to an OCF fund or establishing new fund please contact us at 731-0597 to schedule an appointment.