There will be a grant seekers information session at 9:00 am on Thursday, January 31st, at the Otsego County United Way, 116 E. Fifth St. This information session is for nonprofits considering submitting an application to the 2019 Community Grant Program.
Potential applicants will hear from Community Grant Funding Partners and will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about important details to consider when applying. The Community Grant Program is a collaborative effort made possible by Kiwanis, Rotary, Otsego Community Foundation, Otsego County United Way, Munson Healthcare Otsego Memorial Hospital, Otsego Wildlife Legacy Society, and Treetops Resort. It streamlines the grant seeker process for nonprofits by using a common application. “It was very helpful to present our nonprofit information to the groups at once, so all heard the same message and could bring that back to their organizations for funding consideration. Thank you for this opportunity!” said a past grantee. Since the formation of the Community Grant Program, over $353,000 has been awarded to local organizations for projects and programs to advance their missions.
“Our service club is starting to channel more funding requests through the Community Grant Program,” said Heidi Yocum, Rotary Club of Gaylord grant committee member. “It is advantageous to the nonprofit organizations to take advantage of having multiple funding partners together in one room.”
The applications will be available online at www.otsegofoundation.org from January 31st until March 14th. Anyone who is unable to attend the grant seekers information session can call the Otsego Community Foundation at (989) 731-0597 or email karin@otsegofoundation.org with questions.