Collective Input, Collective Progress, Collective Impact
The Otsego Career Access Network (OCAN) seeks to connect every individual in Otsego County with access to opportunities for advanced training and education. Efforts are guided by local leadership team members who commit to regularly measuring progress in pursuit of these four supporting goals:
Increase enrollment in advanced training and education following high school, particularly among economically disadvantaged students.
Increase completion of advanced training and education within six years of enrollment
Increase attainment of advanced training and education among working adults.
Increase attainment of advanced training and education in Otsego County to 50% by 2030.

What is Higher Education?
When we reference higher education at OCAN, we are talking about training after high school that is designed to prepare individuals for a secure future with a great employer, great wages, and great opportunities for advancement. OCAN recognizes higher education attainment as:
An industry-recognized credential
A two-year associate’s degree or certificate
A four-year bachelor’s degree and beyond
There are many ways to get the training that will launch your career. OCAN is working to open the doors to higher education for the residents of Otsego County. Increasing higher education attainment levels in Otsego County has the potential to make a great place to live, learn, and work even better.

Student Resources
Before thinking about colleges, think about yourself. Begin by taking the College Personality Quiz below.
Below are some factors to consider when searching for training past high school.
Can you afford higher education? With the right planning, you most likely can.
Type of College
Vocational? Community? University?
College Setting
Rural, suburban, or urban?
Size of College
Small, medium, or large?
Students who graduate from high school in Michigan with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieve a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or after will be eligible for more financial aid from the State of Michigan. Explore your opportunities with a Michigan Achievement Scholarship.
You can findout more about how financial aid opportunities fit together and can help open the doors to your higher education journey by filling out the free form on Bridge Michigan.

Career Resources
Picking the right area of study can be confusing. You want to find something that you enjoy and has the financial payoff for your effort. Researching Michigan’s HOT 50 Job list below might be a good place to start.
Discovering more about higher education through current data and programs is a great way to open doors for yourself or the students you are working with. Here are a couple of great resources to help your search:

MCAN Performance Overview Impact Map

MCAN Performance Overview Impact Map
OCAN receives local support from their anchor organization, OCF,
and state-level support from the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN)
OCAN Partners

Get In Touch
Coordinator: Brian Pearson
Email: Otsegocan@gmail.com
Although OCAN does not provide direct career counseling to students, it does provide support and resources for area schools and agencies that serve the educational needs of Otsego County. Indirect support for individuals can be accessed through our student and career resource sections on our webpage and monthly newsletters.