Over the past five years, the Otsego Community Foundation has experienced great growth. The workload both with gifts received and grants awarded has steadily increased, along with the community leadership initiatives. The board of directors has been monitoring the internal capacity needs of the organization and in August voted to expand by adding a part-time position.

We are excited so share that Patty (Switalski) Urban has joined the Otsego Community Foundation staff as our administrative assistant. Patty grew up in Gaylord and graduated from Gaylord St. Mary. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in accounting from Central Michigan University, she married Randy Urban. Patty and Randy have four grown children and have lived in a variety of places throughout the country. In every community ,the family was very active and involved, and in 2020 they decided it was time to come home.

“I am excited to reconnect with my hometown. It is exciting to see the how Gaylord and the surrounding areas have expanded but still maintain the small-town charm. I have enjoyed volunteering with Little League and Gaylord Soccer League and look forward to learning more about other opportunities while utilizing my accounting background.”

“Patty’s strengths and expertise really complement our team. We are beyond thrilled not only to have additional support, but such talent and commitment to community.” stated, Dana Bensinger.

With the addition of Patty, the OCF has 3 full-time employees, including Amanda Sosa – Director of Donor Services, Karin Beyer – Director of Community Philanthropy, and Dana Bensinger – Executive Director.