Each June, we acknowledge the contributions and accomplishments of the OCF YAC graduating seniors. We thank and say goodbye to four YAC members—Avery Huston, Mischa Beyers, Trevor Noah*, and Natalie Mazur. The future looks bright for these outstanding Otsego County seniors!   

Avery Huston

What are your plans for next year?  I plan to attend Northwood University in the fall of 2024 and graduate in the spring of 2028. I intend to major in entrepreneurship and minor in marketing and communication. I am very excited to explore and be a part of college life. I plan to participate in several of Northwood’s student-run organizations, including Northwood’s podcast ‘Keeping up with the Pack,’ Alpha Chi Omega, NU’s International Auto Show, NU’s Fashion Show, ski club, and other opportunities Northwood offers. 

What experiences or aspect of being part of YAC has had the greatest impact on you?  

The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) has had a profound impact on me, particularly in shaping me into a leader within my community. It provided me with a platform to become a voice for youth issues. It has been rewarding to take these concerns and struggles to a group of like-minded peer leaders to collaborate and explore solutions.  

Mischa Beyers

What are your plans for next year? I don’t currently have my plans set in stone; however, my top choice is to go to The University of Pisa in Italy where I will study philosophy.  

What experience or aspect of being a part of YAC has had the greatest impact on you

YAC had a huge impact on me. It allowed me to have a voice, and most importantly, help our youth. My favorite part about YAC was seeing the impact and improvement of the charities we gave to, and all that they have done for our community.  

Natalie Mazur

What are your plans for next year? 

I plan to head to Grand Valley State University and pursue a degree in Elementary Education. I cannot wait to help kids learn and grow! 

What experience or aspect of being part of YAC has had the greatest impact on you? 

I loved being a part of YAC because of the impact we made in our community. I love being able to help and support others through grants and our grant money. 

*Not pictured